
Mars Vs. Venus

A fluffy little birdy sent me this image with this note: I don’t know how a woman would view it, but this is an incredibly hot photo to a guy; just a perfect candid amateur photo. I am on the record as loving the hell out of women's bodies and I spend a lot of time enjoying photos of them dressed (or undressed) beautifully, however the only urge I get looking at the photo is to do the girlfriendly thing, run over and hide her buns with my purse while she pulls her skirt down. I am 100% certain, though, that another type of urge might strike a lot of people reading this post. So, what do you guys think? I'd love to get some honest responses, both male and female to this photograph and what appeals or doesn't appeal (bearing in  mind, please, if you are kind enough to respond, that this blog isn't marked for Mature Audiences and I'd like to keep it that way).

Also, if you find yourself wanting to answer more of my burning questions, I have a new poll in the sidebar and would be thrilled to have you guys weigh in. Thanks in advance for giving me a peep inside your minds and I'm looking forward to a healthy discussion.


  1. I personally find it offensive and disgusting. It's trashy. It's not a big deal, if she is in her own home. It looks like a public photo. It doesn't look hot at all. I wish that guy wouldn't speak on behalf of guys.

    Sincerely, and with thanks,
    Eugene T.S. Wong
    [a.k.a. Hosiery Advocate]

  2. The photo does have a certain appeal, always nice to see a pretty derrier, but from my own perspective it is one of the least sexy images on you blog, there are far, far sexier ones you have posted.


  3. Thanks you two for weighing in. I'm looking forward to hearing what else people say over the weekend. My hope is that people will be as up front as they want to be about their genuine feelings because my goal is to understand different sexual perspectives.

  4. It lacks the most important element...stockings!
    I feel that stockings are the most feminine of all clothing a woman can wear,and it should be a standard dresscode for all females:-)

  5. My issue with it is the flip-flops. I feel like it would be a much more asetheically pleasing picture if she were in heels. While she certainly has a very nice bum, the flip-flops (or whatever they are) make her legs look kinda dumpy and heavy-set (even though she is clearly neither).

    PS-->Hetero woman, here :)

  6. I agree, I just want to play dress-up with her, because she's got a really cute body and she would look great in a pair of stockings AND heels.

    Flip-flops should be illegal.

  7. Wait a minute...that's not you, is it?

    Also, have you seen my latest photos yet?

    Sincerely, and with thanks,
    Eugene T.S. Wong

  8. Oh gosh, no that's not a photo of me. I am much shyer about my body than she is, plus I can't think of a hot day when I haven't been overdressed. Also, flip flops are the shoe of the devil.

    I'm on my iPod, but I will check on your pics in the a.m. Now that you're back from training, it's time for my men in hosiery post.

  9. Cool!

    If you intend to write about hemming pants into shorts, then here is a YouTube video that should spell the basics, and give us great tips.

    I can see where I made some mistakes.


Thanks for commenting. Please keep it clean, no spam and most of all have a stockingtacular good time!


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