
Pan Am - Stewardesses, Stockings and GIRDLES

The new TV show, Pan Am, set to premiere on ABC this fall and all about the style and excitement of air travel in the 1960's, will be sure to feature loads of period-perfect lingerie and stockings. I'm not even sure how many times they say the word, girdle, in this Pan Am preview video. Nylon-lovers, get ready for take off!

pan am cast photo, christina ricci stewardess photo
Pam Am stars Christian Ricci as a Pan Am stewardess and offers a cast of yummy eye candy, including some piloty types for those who enjoy men in uniforms. I'm sure the show will be stellar, because it's driven by a team associated with The West Wing and ER, but I'm honestly not going to be watching it for the plot. That would be a bit like reading Playboy for the articles.

Edited to add: I've received quite a few emails from people asking where they can find girdles and I'm sure the interest is going to increase when the show starts airing on September 25th. I've always bought my girdles from Stockings HQ who deliver stockings and lingerie world-wide. Look for any of the Rago open bottom girdles if you want an authentic 1960's look.

To take a look at their wonderful selection CLICK HERE. <---


6 Sexy Photos of Purple Stockings and Lingerie

I recently left a gorgeous pair of purple, floral fishnet tights in my hosiery drawer for over a year because I didn't have anything to match. Eventually, I thought, "Screw matching," and just wore them with a black dress. I got so many compliments that day and it inspired me to collect some beautiful photos of purple hosiery and lingerie to share with all of you.


Waiting For a Star to Fall Remix Video

The other day, my best friend, E,  and I were looking for an mp3 of "Waiting for a Star to Fall," by Boy Meets Girl, which we eventually found, but I had no idea the song had ever been remixed. I was thrilled tonight to run into this video on Tumblr for the remix, and, because it's chock full of fetishy stewardesses in white nylons, I get to share it with all of you, too.


Panties Over the Garter Belt FTW!

We've discussed this issue here before, but it always makes me happy to share a photo of garters worn under panties. The majority of photos of models in stockings show the straps of her garter belt going over the top of the panties. Anyone who has worn stockings in real life, learns the first time one would like to remove the undies (for a variety of reasons) but leave one's stockings on, that wearing a garter belt UNDER the knickers is the only way not to have to spend an annoying, and potentially moment-killing, amount of time undoing and redoing garter clasps.

So, consider this very sexy, yet sensible stockings photo as evidence that being practical can still be very hot.