
Pan Am - Stewardesses, Stockings and GIRDLES

The new TV show, Pan Am, set to premiere on ABC this fall and all about the style and excitement of air travel in the 1960's, will be sure to feature loads of period-perfect lingerie and stockings. I'm not even sure how many times they say the word, girdle, in this Pan Am preview video. Nylon-lovers, get ready for take off!

pan am cast photo, christina ricci stewardess photo
Pam Am stars Christian Ricci as a Pan Am stewardess and offers a cast of yummy eye candy, including some piloty types for those who enjoy men in uniforms. I'm sure the show will be stellar, because it's driven by a team associated with The West Wing and ER, but I'm honestly not going to be watching it for the plot. That would be a bit like reading Playboy for the articles.

Edited to add: I've received quite a few emails from people asking where they can find girdles and I'm sure the interest is going to increase when the show starts airing on September 25th. I've always bought my girdles from Stockings HQ who deliver stockings and lingerie world-wide. Look for any of the Rago open bottom girdles if you want an authentic 1960's look.

To take a look at their wonderful selection CLICK HERE. <---


  1. When in the 1960s? This looks to be sometime in the early 60s, based on all of the fashions. Set about the same time frame as MAD MEN?

  2. I'm not sure of the year, and didn't have any luck googling. Even the cover of the Life magazine in the trailer didn't help! I agree with you that it's early 60's, though. It makes sense from a production standpoint to do it that way, too, because the show may last for a while and the world changed a lot in those two decades, so starting early in the 60's would let them set the show in the 60's for a while.

  3. Can't wait to see all the sexy stockings and girdles!

  4. I wander if this show will help bring back stocking sells and girldle sells and skirts I sure hope so.

  5. I have seen 5 episodes so far. Very few girdle/stockings sightings.

  6. I watched my first episode last night on Hulu and did get screenshots of the ONE scene that showed a girdle with stockings. I suppose the producers may not be as focused on the undies as some of us. What's wrong with them? We all just need to get together and start producing a show where the entire plot is focused around vintage lingerie. :)


Thanks for commenting. Please keep it clean, no spam and most of all have a stockingtacular good time!