
6 Sexy Photos of Purple Stockings and Lingerie

I recently left a gorgeous pair of purple, floral fishnet tights in my hosiery drawer for over a year because I didn't have anything to match. Eventually, I thought, "Screw matching," and just wore them with a black dress. I got so many compliments that day and it inspired me to collect some beautiful photos of purple hosiery and lingerie to share with all of you.


  1. ...and now I need some purple hosiery...

    These pictures are all amazing, but I'm especially drawn to the last one!

  2. Coral is an awesome color for hosiery: stockings and pantyhose too.

  3. Yes, it really is! I should do a coral post, too.

  4. Make the RITE choice, gorgeous. Meet me in Heaven, girl, where I shall kiss your wonderful, adorable feet for ‘aperitif’ (like an ‘appetizer’ for what’s come’n). This earth is just passing away, as our age shows: born one day, croak 88ish years later. What we do in this finite existence? Determines how our Divine Judgment goes, whether we achieve Heaven. If we make Heaven? Kick-some-ass. I’ll be having a BIG-ol, woohoo, party-hardy, too, celebrating our resurrection for eons and eons, fulla nekk’n and luvin, drinkin and dancing and nekk’dness - clothes will be optional. Wanna come? You’re most invited, babe --- The difficult part of our journey toward the Light? Ready or not, we ALL must succumb to death sometime somewhere someday. Pray for me, k? I pray for you everyday. Lemme express how much I love you in Heaven.

  5. pantyhose don't match the other photos.


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